Henrik Reiters five tips for seatrout on the coast

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Henrik Reiters five tips for seatrout on the coast



Here is Henrik Reiters 5 top tips to catch more seatrout on the coast using bombarda and fly.


  1. Always have a plan before you go. Check up on the weather forecast, buttom structures, current, tidal water and water temerature. Don't only look at the conditions on the day you are fishing, but also on the days prior to you fishingtrip.
  2. Be active. Cover as much water as possible when you are out, never cast two times at the same spot unless you have seen fish. Walk 5 meters between each cast and keep a high pace.
  3. Find the edges between the clear and the murky water. Seatrouts love to hunt on these edges, so if you can find these conditions you will often find the seatrouts.
  4. Fish fast! No matter how fast you wind on your reel, a seatrout can always swim faster. Retrieve in high speed, ad action to the fly with the rod tip. Very often a fast retrieved fly can tempt the seatrout.
  5. Know your fly. Henrik fishes primarily with one fly pattern - his own bombarda fly. A very simple tube fly he ties in various colours and weights. The weight on the fly should always be centred on the fly, so this hangs horizontal in the water under spinstops. Due to the fact that Henrik always fishes this fly, he knows 100% how the fly is acting in the water and where in the water column the fly is.


Af Henrik Reiter

See also: Tutorial - Bombarda float setup

See also: Speedspinning with a bombarda float

Comment(s) 1

  • Curtis Martin
    Curtis Martin — https://www.tampaboatdetailing.com/

    Great tips, especially the one about fishing fast. I for one, as a boat and fishing enthusiast, am a witness to how fast seatrouts move. Love your videos and blogs. Thanks for sharing!


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