Dozer6 and Urus6 - The perfect combo!

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Dozer6 and Urus6 - The perfect combo!



You may know Dozer and Urus. It's a really good couple. And they have been for more than 20 years.

Our mission with version 6 is to manufacture the ”greenest” yet strongest version that will do more and last longer. This means that among several improvements along the making we have developed on the fabric so that the lifetime and the water-repellent effect / waterproofness are dramatically improved. 

Detailed tailor features and methods have been added, which also contribute to higher wear resistance and prolonged service life. 20 years of Dozer / Urus-evolution has taught us a great deal. Our ongoing challenge and goal is to deliver the same quality - with a holistic and realistic perspective on the environmental footprint we leave behind.

We believe that a long product life is the best we can do for the environment - everything else is green washing. Version 6 represents solid experience in what you demand as an outdoor entusiast working You way to the fish of your dreams.

100% waterproof and breathable fabric ensures you a dry and comfortable feeling even in the heaviest rain and wind. Dozer6 and Urus6 does not even fear salt water. Total saltwater resistant design which includes the latest generation of YKK® AquaGuard® zippers.

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